The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel Read online

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  “I’m glad you like my butt!” Clayton quipped. “Someday I’d like to get my hands on yours!”

  Clayton placed himself on her lap and she gave him as long and harsh a spanking as she had ever given to anyone. She put all the force she had into her blows until his firm round butt turned a bright red and her hand throbbed. It was a long time before the voice told her to stop.

  “Funny how we had plenty of time for that!” Clayton muttered rubbing his smarting butt. He heard an almost ghostly laugh.

  The wall moved and the couple progressed down the twisting path. They came to a fork in the path and took a wrong turn, ending up back at the same wooden chair. Following orders, Sherry spanked Clayton again as hard as she could. He got off comparatively lightly this time however because her hand was already sore! They proceeded with caution around a corner and came to a padded whipping bench.

  “I hope this one’s for you,” Clayton told her with a tight, evil grin. “I owe you one!”

  “Indeed sir, have her pick a number out of the bowl without looking at it, then strap her down,” the voice instructed and paused for a moment before asking, “What’s her number?” There was a small table with a fishbowl filled with small white numbered balls on it and a box next to it. Sherry closed her eyes and took a ball out of the bowl, then handed it to Clayton.

  “Six!” he called out, and then strapped her to the bench. He was told to open the box; in it was a tawse. “Six with the tawse, well laid on!” came the order.

  The tawse was an extra wide, thick leather strap. It was about fifteen inches long and four inches wide, with the last five inches divided into four sections. Clayton swung it fast and hard. It landed with resounding cracks on her ass, causing her to scream with loud full-throated screams. It also caused several dark red, blotchy bruises. When the sixth blow was given, he unstrapped his bruised darling and they waited for the wall to move.

  They went around several corners until they were boxed in again. It was at a padded bench. The same padded bench. This time Sherry pulled out a 1!

  “Hardly seems worth the effort,” she remarked carelessly, bending over.

  “I’ll make sure it’s worth it,” Clayton stated firmly, leaning over to kiss her ear. “Very sure.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine. This time he didn’t bother to strap her down, he just hit her with the tawse as hard as he could, once. It hurt worse than any single blow she had ever felt before. She screamed.

  “Hurt, love?” the voice called out, laughing gently. “So sorry dear but the best, or the worst, is yet to come for both of you.”

  As they walked along the path, Sherry said casually to Clayton, “Payback will be hell!” They came to a dead end.

  The voice commanded them, “Sherry, drop to your knees and give him a hand job. I want you to fondle his cock and balls until I tell you to quit.”

  “Did you say payback would be hell? Or heaven?” Clayton grinned.

  Sherry complied, enjoying the task of fondling his large cock, almost as much as Clayton enjoyed the sensations it caused. She fingered his balls and stroked his hard smooth cock, building up speed and pressure as she went along. Clayton stood with his legs spread apart, and slid his hands into her hair, grabbing it but not too roughly. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, savoring the sensations she was causing. Once again the voice stopped the action with Clayton just short of orgasm. “ARGH!” he uttered as the voice sounded again.

  They heard the now familiar ghostly laugh. Clayton finally recognized the laughing voice, even though it was distorted to sound more ghostly.

  “Suzanne! I should have known it was you, you witch! I’m going to get you for this!” he shouted into the air, waving his fist. “You’re not playing fair!” The laugh was the only reply he received.

  When they were told to stop the next time, the room had a bed and a box with another vibrator in it, this time for Sherry. She lay on her back, and Clayton used the vibrator to send her into a state of shivering rapture. He concentrated on her clitoris, stimulating it much more than her vagina. It was great, even though her ass was still sore! The voice permitted her to come to her wondrous orgasm before telling Clayton to stop. Women have to stick up for each other, after all. “Suzanne, you’re playing favorites!” Clayton complained.

  “I’m not; we were just getting a little backed up. There are so many couples ahead of you,” she protested. “Sure, and cows fly!” he muttered. The couple once more moved on down the road. Several twists and turns later they wound up back at the bed. Once again Sherry was on the bed; this time she got on her hands and knees, and Clayton stood behind her to use the vibrator. He reached up between her legs to use the vibrator, driving her wild. Sherry quickly reached another orgasm, with the vibrator in Clayton’s skillful hands. They went on. Another corner, leading to another padded bench, and another table with a box. This time, the box held a pair of dice. “Roll those dice, sir! Call out your number!” “Twelve!” Clayton called out.

  “Not real lucky sir, are you? You’d better avoid Las Vegas. Over the bench. Be sure to strap him down tightly, Ma’am. He may try to squirm.” Clayton reluctantly laid himself over the padded bench, remembering the promise she had made about payback.

  When he was strapped down the voice called out again, “Look in that small chest.” Sherry opened the chest and found several birch rods.

  “Twelve with the birch rod, and make them harsh!” the voice ordered.

  Sherry did her best to give him the full measure of the birching, making the rod swish in the air. SWISH! “ARGH! AH! AH!” Clayton shouted at each cut, with good reason. “Umm,” Sherry murmured, gently stroking his red, hot butt, “revenge is sweet.”

  “Remember my love, there’s plenty more yet to come. I might get a little revenge myself,” he warned. After the birching, they went through a series of turns and wound up, once again, at the bench. This time he got ten. Again, she strapped him down tightly, and again, she was extremely severe with the rod. She slashed his butt over and over, sometimes landing on previous stripes. In fact, she drew a little blood. Throughout the whole birching, Suzanne laughed openly.

  Shortly after that, he got his revenge on Sherry. At the next stop, he was told to take her over his knees and give her a really hard spanking. The only problem for Clayton, at that particular moment, was that he didn’t want to sit down. Not at all! He put all his strength into spanking her bottom with hard, hearty blows.

  He kept his rhythm by singing all the while he was spanking her. “I’ve been working on the railroad, all the livelong day!” When she stood up Sherry said, “Beat me if you must, Sir, but please, please sing on key!”

  “I’ll have you know that I have a terrific voice!” Clayton said with a huff. “Then use it next time,” Sherry said archly.

  The distant voice laughed again. It took several turns for them to come to the next stop. It gave both of their aching butts a rest, in a way. At least neither one received any new bruises.

  Chapter Eight More Amazing Fun

  They came to a bed and the omnipresent voice called out, “On the bed, Sir. Hands and knees!” When he was in position the voice continued, “Put that dildo up his butthole! Work it in and out, and work it hard!”

  Clayton opened his mouth to complain but thought better of it and reluctantly got into the required position. “Why the hesitation, Sir?” Suzanne’s voice floated in the air.

  “Damn it Suzanne!” Clay almost shouted then he dropped his voice almost to a whisper. “No one’s ever put… ” “Not anything?” Suzanne’s voice was soft. “No!”

  “Then you’ll find out now what it feels like. I’d bet you’ve done it to someone,” Suzanne was laughing. “Who’d have guessed? A virgin.” “I will kill you; just you wait and see,” Clayton threatened.

  Sherry found some lubricating jelly on the bedside table in little individual foil packets and used it before she gently inserted the dildo into Clayton’s asshole. She slid it in and
out firmly and quickly, without being overly timid or gentle in her manner. Clayton’s asshole was tight and he felt quite a bit of pain, but he still enjoyed the sweet torture. As they got up, Suzanne asked softly, “How did you like it?”

  Clay shot her the finger. Sherry followed instructions and put the used dildo into a plastic bin, then opened the drawer and placed an unused one out, ready for the next victim.

  The next two stops were very pleasurable for both of them. At the first, Clayton had to kiss her ass, tonguing it all over. He really put all of himself into it, teasing and arousing Sherry to the point where she wanted to drag him to the floor and make love to him then and there, Suzanne or no Suzanne! This time she was ordered to move on before she reached her climax, and as she got off the bed she was so frustrated she really wanted to strangle her best friend!

  Then Sherry had to use a feather and an ice cube to tease and provoke Clay. First, she tied him to the bed on his back and then she trailed the ice down his muscular chest. She paid particular attention to his nipples, bringing them both to hard, taut buds. She iced his navel and then placed the ice cube very carefully on his pubic hair, very near his painfully erect cock. Abandoning the ice cube in its intimate position, she picked up the feather. She used it to tickle the soles of his feet and brought it up his legs slowly, until at last she began to tease his balls.

  Finally with the ice in one hand and the feather in the other, she turned her attention to his cock. She drove him out of his mind. Right up until the voice ordered her to stop, as usual just short of his orgasm. It took Clayton an almost superhuman effort to drag himself off the bed and continue on down the path! Again, they heard a few moans and screams off in the distance, and closer to themselves, the ghostly-disembodied laugh. They both began to wonder, was this a trend or the calm before the storm? When they came to the next trap they found out. There it was, a padded whipping bench.

  Sherry was ordered to roll the die, and call out the number before she allowed herself to be strapped down over the bench. Sherry rolled a lucky 7, and after putting herself into position, took seven very hard cuts of the birch. Clayton put strong wrist action into each cut. Every slash made a whistling sound as it went through the air. SWOOSH! Every slash brought a scream from Sherry. She was loud! Her screams broke the sound barrier. Strangers on the street, who had no idea that the Maze existed were looking around for fire trucks and ambulances; she was very loud indeed!

  It was Clayton’s luck that it was Sherry’s turn to use the tawse on him next. His luck that he pulled number 15 from the fishbowl. This would not be a good day for him to go to the racetrack. When you’re hot you’re hot, but the common phrase was taking on a whole new meaning of its own on his butt! She used the tawse with a ruthless efficiency, giving him the fifteen blows, with slow, heavy swings. She was careful to make sure that none of the blows were any softer or easier than the rest.

  Again there were two easy stops in the maze. For the first, he was ordered to suckle her full, round breasts. He sat on a chair in front of her and she straddled his legs, lowering herself until her breasts were level with his mouth. He laved her nipples with his tongue, moving from one to the other. He began to suck on her right breast, causing her legs to buckle so that she had to lock her arms around his neck to keep herself in place. He moved to the left breast, giving it the same tender treatment.

  Then, for the next stop, he was ordered to lie on the bed while she tongued his buttocks and asshole. She threw herself into the work, using her tongue and teeth all over his backside and moving slowly closer to her target. Finally, she did something she had never done before and used her tongue to tease his anus. Clayton was wild! Good stuff! Enjoyable! Even better, painless! Surprisingly, Sherry was a little squeamish about using her mouth on his anus, but the voice, when it asked her to stop, told her to look into a small drawer on the stand beside the bed. In the drawer, there was a supply of small trial size bottles of disinfectant mouthwash. Sherry laughed, but she put the small bottle to good use.

  They had a long twisting walk to the next trap. They turned a corner and then stopped in their tracks as they saw what awaited them: side-by-side whipping benches and two large men, impeccably dressed in white tie and tails. There were no visible, shall we say, weapons. The scene was so unexpected that they both laughed, but only for a split second.

  When they were both strapped down next to each other, the men stood behind them and began to swat Sherry and Clayton alternately on their butts with some long, heavy, wooden paddles. They got six swats apiece, each one laid on with a heavy, hard swing.

  Six swats may not seem like a very large number, but on already red, sore asses, they were enough. More than enough. Sherry and Clay were untied, and with shaky legs they set off down the path again.

  Once more there were fairly easy stops for both of them. She was ordered to get up on the bed, on her hands and knees. He lubricated the dildo and worked it up her ass. The dildo was large and long, and as it had with him, caused her some degree of pain, but the sensational orgasm she reached was worth it.

  Then, at the next stop, she knelt down and gave him a hickey on the inside of his thigh. It was such an easy task that it hardly seemed worth it until she made it a very intimate and sensuous experience, letting her mouth stray from his thigh to his abdomen, his balls and his erect cock.

  During the next twisted section of the maze, Sherry remarked, “It’s a pattern you know, a couple of easy stops, a long walk and then, a killer stop!” They turned a corner, “Oh, my God!”

  Just as it had been at the last hard stop, the scene was set up for side-by-side whippings, with two big men waiting. But these huge, burly men were not dressed in formal tuxedos. They were dressed in black with leather masks, just like the outfits worn by medieval executioners! For the first time, the pair could see what implements were there to punish them, a pair of cat o’ nine tails. No shit!

  “Milady, pick a number.” One of the men held out a bowl and Sherry picked out a numbered ball that she handed to him. It was a 5. “Milord, Milady, kindly put your hands into the manacles on the walls!”

  In a few short seconds, they were both chained up and hanging from the walls. Clayton quipped, “At least it’s not our butts again.”

  It was the last joke he made as the lashes of the cat bit into his back! These were not the prop whips used by some S & M enthusiasts, that sting without causing marks or any real pain. Each slash of the cat caused both real pain and welts when it landed on either one of them. They both fought the restraints. They struggled and screamed, until it would have seemed to an outsider that they were in some rather weird competition to see who could squirm the most or scream the loudest. They both got the full measure of their five strokes! The lashes certainly caused welts although, due to the skill of the men, they didn’t draw any blood.

  Again they worked their way along the maze, and once again the stops were quick and painless. Sherry was told to suck his nipples. At 5’4” to his 5’11” her head came to a point just a little above his chest. It was easy for her to bend her head just enough to lick and suck his chest until both his nipples were in tight little buds.

  A little farther along Clayton gave her a big hickey on the inside of her slender thigh. Like her, he had trouble staying focused on his prime objective with his mouth so near to her succulent cunt. He licked and sucked her legs and thighs and began to move towards the tender, moist center of her femininity.

  Suzanne’s voice cut in and she sweetly stopped him. They were told to move along. Her exact and very ladylike phrase was: “Move it or lose it, you two horn dogs!” Sherry waved a fist into the air, yelling, “Damn you, Suzanne!”

  They were both jittery walking along the maze. If the pattern held true to form, they were coming to a killer trap. They were surprised when it wasn’t. Sherry gave Clayton two hard swats, one on each side of his ass, trying in vain to find a spot of skin that wasn’t red already. “This’ll be the bad one!” she said, but Cl
ayton was ordered to kneel in front of Sherry and finger fuck her cunt. He put himself into the task with his usual businesslike efficiency. He gauged exactly how his touch was affecting her by the expression in her eyes. He built her almost to a climax and then backed off, prolonging the sensations. The ever-present voice told them to move along leaving Sherry hanging again.

  “This time it’ll be painful for sure!” Clayton predicted, but instead Sherry was ordered to kneel in front of Clayton and take his cock into her wet, willing mouth.

  She licked the whole area, slowly building his excitement. Then and only then, she took his cock into her mouth, using her hands to fondle his balls at the same time. She began to suck his cock and balls. Once again, the voice told her stop just before he came. Once again, Clayton made a silent promise to himself; he was going to get Suzanne back if it was the last thing he ever did.

  The next stop was another pleasant one; Clayton used a feather and ice to tease Sherry. His approach was different from hers had been when she used the same items on him. He tickled first, using the ice only as a sort of place mark between her legs. Finally, he asked her to spread her legs as far as she could and he used the feather on her pussy. Suzanne, the unseen voice, in the spirit of sisterhood, let her reach her orgasm this time. Then she directed them to continue through the maze.

  They went through a long series of twists and turns before they finally reached a trap.

  The voice spoke to them, “It’s almost over, my dears. Wait for the door to open and then run like hell! Ready now? ONE! TWO! THREE! GO!”

  The door opened into a long hallway that was lined with about a dozen people holding long switches. As the couple ran the gauntlet, the people holding the switches used them with lots of vigor and absolutely no mercy!

  When they got to the end of the gauntlet, they both had stripes on their arms, legs, backs and asses. They ended up in a small area, where they were told to wait. They were each given robes to wear. They opened the door and found a guide waiting for them. The guide led them into a small private room.