The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel Read online

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  “I’m sorry, Michael,” James interjected sternly, “but you’ll have to wait. The initiation isn’t over yet.” There was a trace of hidden delight as he told Michael, “The best is yet to come. Let’s sit down while Suzanne recovers for a moment.”

  “You mean she’s got more coming to her?” Michael was excited, “Great! I can hardly wait.” “I’m sure you’ll enjoy the remainder of the evening,” James told the older man, smiling coolly. “In fact, I can guarantee it.”

  Chapter Three A Surprise Initiation

  Before the meeting proceeded any further there was another round of drinks and socializing. Some of the club members walked over to talk to Suzanne and see how she was doing. They seemed so gentle and concerned for her that Suzanne was surprised and touched. When the drinks were served, once again Michael got an extremely weak cocktail.

  Suzanne, who was still naked for some reason, was not embarrassed a bit by her nudity. She was about to get up from the love seat to go and get herself a drink, but James offered to wait on her. He brought her some more cold champagne. After the refreshments and a short pause, James made another announcement, the one that was a complete surprise for Michael. Surprise is far too weak a word for it; this came as a total shock, and not a pleasant one. Not pleasant at all.

  “Well Michael, it’s your turn to undress and assume the position over the whipping bench,” James ordered sternly, in a voice that brooked no refusal, “NOW!”

  James had not liked this man from the moment he’d first spoken to him. To him Michael was a not a spanko, he was an abusive jerk. James had long since decided to teach the older man a lesson. The club rules were that all spankings were voluntary but James decided not to mention that to Michael. What he was doing was against the club rules but a man had to do what a man had to do.

  Michael looked around the room with fear in his eyes and he immediately saw two things: First, he really had no choice but to comply. There were too many strong men in the room and they were all more than willing to help strap him down forcibly, and second, Suzanne wasn’t at all surprised. She had known somehow what was in store for him and she had not even warned him.

  Michael sent her a look filled with so much anger and hatred that it made her realize she was in very real danger from him. She would have to find a way to avoid being alone with Michael. That may be hard to do, she thought, since he had a key to her house. Suddenly she was very afraid.

  Along with her fear, a fury of her own began to build up within her. She was angry at Michael’s idea that it was great fun for her to be publicly whipped but apparently not as much fun to be whipped himself. WIMP! She began to long for the feel of the paddle in her hands, but she was careful to keep her feelings hidden.

  “James, I want to be the one to strap Michael down,” she volunteered softly, getting to her feet very slowly.

  Her voice was very sweet and gentle, just as gentle as she was when she fastened the straps so very tightly to Michael’s ankles, wrists and hands.

  “Ouch! Damn it woman! That hurts!” Michael protested, “You stupid cow, you’ve fastened the straps much too tight. Loosen them, now!” “Calling me a stupid cow is a very strange way to get me to loosen them, Michael,” she said very coldly. “So I’ll have to decline.”

  “You stupid bitch!” Michael yelled, the veins in his neck standing out, “I’ll get you for this!” Ignoring the outburst, James gave Michael the first dozen strokes with the cane and they were much harder cuts than the ones he had given Suzanne. They were very severe cuts indeed. Next in line were all the members who had not been able to cane Suzanne before James decided her whipping had to be stopped. These members took turns using the cane to whip Michael’s ass. They all whipped Michael severely. He fought the straps and screamed much louder than Suzanne had! He shouted everything except the code word!

  James smiled to himself; it was unfortunate for Michael that no one bothered to tell him the code word. It was also unfortunate for Michael that he had such tough skin. Before Michael finally started to bleed all the members, even some who had whipped Suzanne, had a chance to whip Michael too. And for some strange reason, they all wanted to whip Michael and whip him hard. Finally, Suzanne’s turn came to use the paddle on Michael and she was utterly without mercy. She never realized that she was given a different paddle to use; it looked the same but it was made of much heavier wood. This time James did not stop the beating at a measly four blows. He let Suzanne give Michael a full dozen harsh smacks! The moment Suzanne finished using the paddle on Michael, the club was declared adjourned. Michael did not get any soothing balm put on his wounds or a cool cloth, or any cold and refreshing champagne. For that matter, he did not even get any time to recover!

  Michael and Suzanne were escorted into the enclosed garage. They were a funny sight since they were both still naked except for Michael’s shoes and socks, and Suzanne’s stockings and garter belt, and of course the multitude of welts and bruises both of them wore on their buttocks and legs.

  The club members walked along behind them and looked at the red blotches on both of their bottoms. They discussed the two prospective members quietly amongst themselves. When the group reached the limo, James made one additional announcement.

  “I’m sorry to announce that you have been blackballed, Michael.” James smiled, not looking sorry at all. He turned and smiled warmly at Suzanne, “However, you have been accepted, Suzanne. Welcome to the Paddle Club. We are honored to have you join us.”

  “She can’t join without me!” Michael protested loudly, “and I wouldn’t join this bunch of losers if you paid me.” “Then it’s a good thing we don’t want you,” James said coldly. “Suzanne, come with me,” Michael barked. “Now!”

  “Shut up Michael!” She snapped surprising him into silence, before turning to James. “I’m very honored that you have accepted me,” Suzanne continued, although she was still not really sure if she wanted to participate in the club.

  She would decide later, she thought; maybe even attend a regular party where she wasn’t the victim of the day, just to see how it went.

  Michael was torn in two; he wasn’t sure whether he felt insulted or glad to be rejected. He really hadn’t liked being whipped! All he ever wanted to get from attending the initiation was an excuse to whip and torment Suzanne. He sighed philosophically to himself; at least he would still be able to torment Suzanne. Imagine her ordering him around that way, telling him to shut up! And what about keeping his whipping a secret from him? He would get revenge, and he would get it on that bitch’s bare backside.

  The chauffeur, Jerry, opened the limo door and Suzanne got in. Her dress and Michael’s rented tuxedo were folded into two neat piles, waiting on the back seat.

  As Michael started to get in Suzanne said very sweetly, “I really think I’m going to like the club, now that the initiation is over.” Mentally, she had her fingers crossed. “I do want to thank you for bringing me, Michael, but I have finally realized something. I don’t love you anymore. In fact, I don’t even like you anymore. Please find another way home.” “Suzanne!” Michael protested. “I brought you here!” “And you’ll leave me here,” she replied calmly. “Contrary to your belief, I am not stupid. I will never let myself be alone with you again. You’ve changed since we met. You are now a cruel and hateful man, who wants revenge for doing to you what you wanted to do to me.”

  “Suzanne! No! I love you,” Michael protested, knowing that she was right. “I would never want to hurt you. How could you even think such a thing?”

  Suzanne ignored him and turned to face James. That’s when she got the biggest shock of the night. When their eyes met it was stunning! It was as if there was an electric current flowing between her and James. Everything and everyone else faded out of her consciousness.

  In a soft, shaky voice she said, “James, would you be so kind as to escort me home?” She threw Michael’s tuxedo unceremoniously out the car door. It landed on an oil spot. Sounding equally stunned,
James replied, “I’d be honored to escort you.” He gave her a big, warm smile as he got into the limo beside her.

  “I’ll be back,” Jerry said curtly, and before anyone could react, he picked up Michael’s tuxedo and got into the limo. Jerry started the limo and they drove away. The other members soon drifted off. Michael was left standing there waiting all alone. Until Jerry returned he was stranded and naked. Now, at last, he was no big shot. Not at all.

  Sitting comfortably on the plush cushions, James looked at Suzanne. “I know it’s too soon for me to say this, way too soon, because I realize that you are a lady in every sense of the word. I want you to know I would really like to make love with you, but maybe when we get to know each other a little better,” he smiled gently, “if that’s what you want.”

  She searched his smiling face, remembering how kind and reassuring he’d been all through the meeting, even when he was whipping her. She looked at him long and hard, silently, as she made her decision.

  “I’m glad you think I’m a lady, James, I do try to be one,” she said with a soft smile, “but I’m not so ladylike that I would deny us both something wonderful. I don’t want to wait and get to know you better; that will come. I just want to make love to you, right here and now.”

  He looked a little bit surprised, and very glad. “I can hardly wait to get you home.”

  She looked around and found the button that slid the one way glass up between them and Jerry. “Why wait?” The question managed to sound both innocent and mischievous at the same time.

  In front, Jerry was very much aware of exactly why the glass was up and he was secretly delighted. He turned some soft music on and hummed to himself, thinking of his own sweet wife at home. She had skipped the meeting, which was unusual for her because an old friend of hers was visiting from out of town. Jerry knew that most of the club members would be shocked if they knew what he planned to do to his wife and with his wife when he got home. He would make love to her in many ways long into the night. In spite of his age, Jerry was not old. Neither was his wife.

  In the back seat, with a move that surprised James, Suzanne unzipped his pants and took him into her mouth. After several moments she took her mouth away from him. “I want you inside me,” she said looking up at him with her wet mouth. She moved quickly and sat straddling his legs. With James guiding her, she lifted herself up and came down on his cock. James reached up to fondle her large breasts, while she moved up and down on him, driving him wild. It was fast and furious as they reached a frenzied orgasm together. In the afterglow, James took care of her, holding her on his lap and gently rubbing some lotion over her still tender bottom. The red was already fading to pink, except for a few dark blotches.

  As they cuddled gently, she looked at him and said, “You were the only person at the meeting who didn’t have a whipping tonight, from either of us. Don’t you like to be the one on the receiving end?”

  “It depends on my mood. Usually I’m a top but once in a while I love to be a bottom. Tonight was different, however, as the host, I was too busy. I wanted to make everything as good for you as possible, especially with that dumb jackass around. God! I’m so glad you dumped him!” He nibbled her ear.

  “I should hope so, after the sex we just had!” She kissed him hungrily, and quipped, “I just hope I didn’t blow my image as a lady when I blew you.” “You’re always a lady,” James said sincerely, his hands firmly but not cruelly grasping her behind.

  “Even with your cock in my mouth?” she asked with a grin and wink. “Especially with my cock in your mouth.” He kissed her before asking the question that had plagued him all night. “Suzanne, why were you with that jerk in the first place? How could you have loved him?” Suzanne smiled ruefully as she explained, “I know I should have dumped Michael long ago, but I could never force myself to believe he wouldn’t change back to the man he used to be. Anyway, I would never have met you if I had dumped him,” she gave him a long, slow, passionate kiss, “and I have a strong feeling that you’re worth about a hundred times what he’s worth, certainly worth any pain he caused me.”

  The romantic moment was interrupted by the intercom. “I don’t mean to intrude,” they heard Jerry’s amused voice over the speaker, “but I want to be sure before I go any further. Do you want me to take you to Suzanne’s home or to yours, James?”

  “Would you come home with me, Suzanne?” James asked in a surprisingly shy voice. “Yes, love. I’d love to go home with you,” Suzanne answered.

  James kissed her gently, and then spoke to Jerry, “We’ll go to my place.” “Good idea, sir. I’m glad you thought of it,” Jerry laughed. “Thanks Jerry,” James said softly.

  After a very short time, the limo pulled to a stop in front of James’ house. Jerry was wise enough not to get out and open the limo door. Instead, he waited while the couple rearranged their clothes and got out themselves.

  Suzanne leaned in through the limo window and spoke to Jerry, “It was very nice meeting you, Jerry. Have a nice night.”

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and sighed dramatically. “Why does he get all the pretty girls?” “I don’t know,” Suzanne whispered in Jerry’s ear, “but I’m going to be the last pretty girl he gets if I have anything so say about it.”

  She looked James over lewdly before she turned back to Jerry and winked at him, “You’re certainly much better looking.” Behind her, James made an exaggerated choking sound. “Maybe it’s because you’re already married.”

  “I’ll tell the missus you said that. After thirty-eight years, I think she takes me for granted.” Jerry gave Suzanne a big smile and started the car ready to drive away, after saying, “I’ll try to remind her of what a good catch I am tonight when I get home.”

  “I’ll bet she’s well aware of what a catch you are,” Suzanne told him. “She’s kept you for thirty-eight years.”

  “What do you mean he’s better looking?” James teased, as the limo disappeared. He held his front door open for her. “If you weren’t already so sore, you’d pay for that remark.”

  “I’ll start quaking in my boots.” She walked past him into the house, turned to face him and shot him a mischievous grin. “Later.”

  “I still have one question, what did you whisper in Jerry’s ear?” James asked curiously.

  “You’ll never know.” She smiled, with a grin so filled with secret pleasure that James forgot the question in his desire to get her into his bed.

  Chapter Four A New Lover

  James had a beautiful, comfortable house on a large lot at the edge of town. It was fairly new, custom built and very modern. When Suzanne got inside she looked around, studying her surroundings. He had a large living room that was clean and neat, with off-white walls and comfortable, leather furniture all covered in earth tones, with lots of throw pillows in shades of blue, rose and turquoise. Along one wall he had a large, impressive looking entertainment center. It was made of black lacquered wood and held a stereo, CD player, flat screen television and VCR. He had an extensive collection of CD’s and videotapes. The CD’s ranged from rock to jazz and even some classical.

  She looked at the videos; they seemed to contain all the latest hit movies along with several children’s classics. After asking James’ permission, she opened a small cabinet that could be locked if necessary, which contained more videos. There were spanking videos and a few others that seemed much more adult.

  “James, do the club members know you have these tapes?” she asked him innocently.

  “The spanky ones?” James answered, puzzled, “I don’t really know. Why?”

  “Not those ones, silly, all the kiddie cartoons.” She winked at him. “They seem a little out of character.”

  “Not for a man with two nieces and three nephews living in town, they’re not,” he told her.

  Another wall was filled with an extensive and varied collection of books. Suzanne walked over and looked at the covers. She saw everything from political commentary to
a lurid crime novel, in both paperback and hardcover.

  Off to one side, Suzanne could see into a gleaming, white modern kitchen. On the other side was a hallway. James walked up, stood behind Suzanne, and slid his arms around her waist.

  “Can I get you something?” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Some wine? Coffee? A late night snack?”

  She turned to face him and said boldly, “Right now, a bed would come in real, real handy.”

  James scooped her up in his arms, laughing and carried her into the bedroom. “Will this one do?” he said, dropping her unceremoniously on the king-size bed, ignoring her still tender bottom.

  She laughed and reached up for him, “Only if you’re in it with me.”

  He bent down to kiss her, then straightened up and began to remove his clothes. Taking his cue, she rolled off the bed and turned her back to him, allowing him to unzip her formal, and very wrinkled blue satin dress.

  She stood before him in her lacy black bra and garter belt, her waist long hair falling over her left shoulder, like a silky black curtain covering her breast. Watching in silent approval as he undressed, she enjoyed her first look at his slim but athletic body, and his large cock. She thought it was strange, she had tasted that cock, and felt it inside her, and yet had never really seen it. It was long, thick, erect and beautiful.

  He stepped behind her and unfastened her bra, gently cupping her large breasts from behind and teasing the nipples with his fingers. He unsnapped her garter belt without unfastening her hose, and peeled her stockings and garter belt off all in one piece.

  He backed her up against the bed, and together they pulled down the burgundy velvet comforter. Lifting her onto the bed, this time he followed her down. He moved over her, supporting his weight on his arms and began to kiss her, starting at her mouth and moving ever so slowly down to her neck. His kisses trailed down her body, slathering one breast then the other with his moist, warm tongue. She shivered with the pleasure he gave her.